Spring Term 2021 Distance Learning

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Spring Term 2021 Distance Learning

Category : Events

Video Version (8.1.2021 update)

As you are, no doubt aware, Welsh Government announced late on Monday 4th January that re-opening of schools would be delayed at least until Monday 18th January, which is now at least until 29th January.

Distance Learning

Students working from home or on site will follow the Distance Learning programme.

This will follow the normal 2-week timetable for each student. We will endeavour to ensure every lesson is a live lesson. This may be via Google meet, Google Classroom Stream or via email.

  • 9:05am                 Lesson 1
  • 10:05am               Lesson 2
  • 11:05am               Break
  • 11:25am               Lesson 3
  • 12:25pm               Lunch Break
  • 1:00pm                 Lesson 4
  • 2:00pm                 Lesson 5

If you are unable to access Google Classroom the school can provide offline packs. Please contact reception to arrange collection or delivery.

The resources and directions can all be found on Google Classroom:  classroom.google.com

You can contact a teacher via Google Classroom if you need subject help.

Email vle@clywedog.org if you need google classroom help or need your password resetting.

This will, in the first instance, continue up to and including Friday 15th January. Should there be any changes to the proposed return date, the distance learning timetable will continue.

In order to help you support your children during the period of home learning, we thought it would be useful to remind you, of the three simple tips:

  1. The major benefit of live lessons is the opportunity for teachers and students to communicate directly. It is definitely worth asking your child how they participated in lessons during the day in order to help them build their confidence in communicating in an online environment.
  2. As with normal lessons, being prepared with the correct equipment is essential. Any help you can provide in reminding your child to ‘arrive’ at live lessons fully prepared will be a huge help in enabling them to get the most out of the session.
  3. Many students have enjoyed participating in the Google Classroom lessons, particularly due to the fact they can use the resources at their own pace. It is worth reminding your child, that
    lessons are not necessarily one-off viewing events, and can be revisited multiple times – particularly useful for revision and recapping knowledge.

The school will continue to make contact with every family in order to support learning and wellbeing.

Similarly, should your child experience any ICT issues please do not hesitate to contact vle@clywedog.org

Critical worker and vulnerable student provision

Parents should complete the google form for each period of on-site provision.

The school will have regard to this list when deciding who is a critical worker.

The law only requires one parent to be a critical worker for the obligation to make arrangements to apply.

Being included on the above list does not mean children of all workers in these categories can or will be able to continue to send their children to school. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. Every child who can be safely cared for at home should be. However, if a parents/carers work is critical to the COVID-19 response or is in a key sector such as health and social care and the child/children cannot be kept safely at home, then priority should be given for continued education provision.

Please read this guide, particularly if your child is attending school during this time.
