The school’s philosophy which embraces the motto “Be the best” underpins the policy for Additional Learning Needs. We provide a fully inclusive education and all students whatever their ability or disability, have an entitlement to an accessible, broad and balanced curriculum, tailored to their individual needs.

We will seek to ensure that the additional needs of all students are identified, assessed and met in an appropriate and efficient manner.

We match the level of support and intervention we offer to the needs of the individual student. Progress is reviewed regularly; parents are consulted and kept informed. For some students the school in liaison with parents may want to seek advice from outside agencies such as the educational psychologist.

The Additional Needs Co-ordinator monitors students on the ALN register very closely and continually reviews Individual Education Plans. Parents are invited to all reviews and given copies of all relevant information

We provide many varied intervention strategies, these include: –
• 1-1 reading sessions
• 1-1 spelling sessions
• Catch Up literacy
• Catch up Numeracy
• Success Maker – a computer based intervention •Reading for meaning – small group intervention
• Social communication groups
• Speech and Language groups

We have an excellent team of trained and dedicated Teaching Assistants who support students either in class or by providing planned intervention sessions. All support is aimed at helping students to become independent learners.

We pride ourselves on the success of the department, achieved through providing a safe and caring environment, where students are supported and challenged to meet their full potential

This is what some of our students have to say about their experience with us

“We get so much support and help. My confidence is much improved. I am expected to do well in my GCSE’s   and I am doing better than I ever thought possible”

“My reading and spelling have improved so much because of the help I get in ALP. Everyone should have the chance to spend some time in ALP”

“I really enjoy the sessions. Lessons are great fun, I feel comfortable and I learn so much.”

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