Dear Parents/Guardians and Year 9 Students
All Year 9 students at Ysgol Clywedog have reached the point in their school life when thoughts about further education, careers and training are beginning to take shape.
Between now and Year 11 most students’ ideas about what subjects they enjoy, what personal attributes and talents they will require and what they might consider doing in the future will change. It is therefore very important for students to study as broad a range of subjects as possible. The next two years in a young person’s education will be crucial in terms of shaping their future whether it is in education, further training or employment.
Our aim is to offer all of our students a pathway to succeed. All our students will have the opportunity to achieve a range of good qualifications enabling them to access A Levels, other college courses or an apprenticeship when they leave school. Accordingly, we shall be providing support and guidance to students as they make these very important choices so that they can achieve the best grades possible in the courses most appropriate to them.
A large part of the curriculum is compulsory for all students but there is also an element of choice. This means students can shape their own learning programme in Key Stage 4 according to their interests and future educational and career aspirations. The curriculum on offer this year is broad, balanced and provides students with academic and vocational learning pathways. This level of choice is designed to help all our students access courses according to their needs, interests and aptitudes.
Students will be able to make up to three choices. However, it should be noted that if a subject attracts very few students, it may be withdrawn as an option.
We think that it is vitally important that parents and students take time to discuss together the choices that are on offer and make well-informed final decisions regarding KS4 courses. Teaching staff at school will be delighted to help with any queries you or your child may have.
We shall provide the opportunity for every student where course choices, personal strengths and career thoughts can be discussed with a member of the Leadership or Year 9 team. You are very welcome to join in this discussion, though due to the high volume of students, the meeting will have to take place during school hours.
I should be grateful if you take note of the deadlines and contact the school if you have any questions or queries.
Mrs M Cookson
Deputy Headteacher
If you require further information about a specific option subject, please make an appointment with the following staff:
Art | Mrs E Williamson Ms S Hanson |
Business Vocational Qualification in ICT | Mr N Rutherford Ms A Jones |
Design & Technology: Hospitality and Catering Product Design Health and Social Care | Mrs H McGreary Miss J Brown Mr P Stone |
Drama | Mr J Porter |
French | Mrs C Temple |
Geography Horticulture | Mr N Brown Mr D Owen |
History | Mrs C Buckett Mr G Edwards |
Music | Mr J Porter |
Religious Studies | Mrs C Peers |
Physical Education | Mrs J Attwood Mr G Wilson Mrs H Roberts |
Triple Science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics | Mrs M Flanagan Mrs L Douglas |
Work Related Education | Mrs D Garnett |
Skills Challenge Certificate (not an option) | Mrs H Roberts |
Learning Pathways Booklet 2025-2027
College Courses
Following the Learning Pathways Evening here are the links provided by Coleg Cambria for their courses.
Remember there are minimum expectations of good attendance and positive engagement in your learning within school to be able to access these courses. Please use the links below to read the subject information and watch the videos for each of their courses.