Emergency closure before the start of the school day: If school ever needs to be closed for emergency reasons, including due to severe weather or loss of utility or heating services, information and regular updates will be posted on the WCBC website and on the school website as soon as possible.
Emergency closure during the school day: There may be rare occasions when an emergency situation means school has to close early, for example, in the event of a power failure or if the weather worsens during the school day and weather forecasts indicate a significant deterioration likely to affect local travel. Parents will understand the complexities of contacting parents individually in these situations, especially when buses are called early before road conditions become dangerous. It is important therefore that all parents are aware of the procedures that school will follow in such an event.
Arrangements for sending students home: You will be receiving this week a letter asking you to confirm emergency contact details for your child and also asking for you to indicate whether or not you give permission for your child to be sent home from school in the event of an emergency closure during the school day without us first contacting you. Please make every effort to return this as soon as possible. It is essential that we have at least one contact number which can be reached promptly in such an event. Once the decision has been made to close early and the necessary arrangements are in place, then students will be supervised in their form groups to contact you as quickly as possible (if permission has not been received in writing previously) either via their mobile phones or via the school office. A notice will also be placed on the school website and on WCBC’s website. Please do not call the school to check if we are open or not as this will reduce the number of lines available to call parents.
Students will be dismissed from school either as school transport arrives, when parents collect, or in order to walk home. Students will not be allowed to leave the school site, without parental permission being received, either through prior written consent or telephone contact on the day. It is particularly important for parents to note that we would not be able to hold school buses back for students for whom there was a delay in being able to obtain permission to leave. Parents would then be responsible for making arrangements to collect their child or arrange for them to get home.
Obviously we strongly encourage full attendance and hope that this guidance gives you confidence to sent your child to school as normal, even when bad weather is forecast. Please ensure that your child comes to school suitably prepared, with appropriate outdoor clothing and knowing how to contact you and if agreed with you, get home, or to a safe place (a relative, or friend) in the event of an emergency closure.