Design Technology

Technologies Faculty

There are 5 members of staff in the ICT and Technology departments forming the Technologies Faculty. They are Assistant Headteacher and Faculty Leader Mrs A Francis, 2nd in Technologies Faculty, Mrs H McGreary, Mr N Rutherford, Ms J Brown and Mrs P Stone.

Design and Technology

The teaching of Design and Technology (D&T) prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies, by learning to think creatively.

How do students benefit from learning Design and Technology?

The subject calls for students to become problem solvers, both as individuals and in groups – looking for needs, wants and opportunities and responding to them by developing a range of ideas, making products and systems. Practical skills are combined with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices. In the learning process students can reflect on and evaluate present and past D&T, its uses and effects. Through D&T, all pupils can become discriminating and informed users of products and become innovators.

At Ysgol Clywedog the Design and Technology Department believe that students can learn well, through designing making and producing real products. The chance to have an idea and take it through to reality allows the learner to fully appreciate the reality of our world today. Through skills and knowledge they can apply their learning to other subjects and experiences.

Students will experience and develop skills in Product Design, Hospitality and Catering and Graphics in our fantastically resourced workshops and kitchen areas.

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