
Attendance Information For Parents

Tracker Tuesday

Every Tuesday, during Form Time, our students have the opportunity to discuss with their Form Tutor the importance of good attendance and punctuality and keep track of their current attendance figure. Form Tutors are there to offer support and guidance if needed, You can see your child’s attendance figure on ePraise.

Parental Guide to ePraise (Click to open in new tab)

Student Guide to ePraise (Click to open in new tab)

Our Attendance grid shows where students are in terms of their attendance. They should be able to tell you what colour and what percentage attendance they have at all times throughout the year.

At Clywedog, we like to celebrate excellent attendance.  We believe that students should be rewarded for improving their attendance, attending lessons on time and also for achieving good to excellent attendance on a regular basis. Students will be able to ‘cash in’ reward points from ePraise and spend them in the school shop. As a parent, you can log onto ePraise to keep track of their current attendance figure and achievement points (ePraise parent guide).  Students will have the flexibility to use their achievement points for smaller rewards, more frequently or save them up for greater rewards towards the end of the academic year. Achievement points will reset to zero at the start of every academic year (Sept).

Rewards / Incentives

At Clywedog, we like to celebrate excellent attendance.  We believe that students should be rewarded for improving their attendance, attending lessons on time and also for achieving good to excellent attendance on a regular basis. Students will be able to ‘cash in’ reward points from ePraise and spend them in the school shop. As a parent, you can log onto ePraise to keep track of their current attendance figure and achievement points.  Students will have the flexibility to use their achievement points for smaller rewards, more frequently or save them up for greater rewards towards the end of the academic year. Achievement points will reset to zero at the start of every academic year (Sept).

Monitoring Attendance

The people responsible for attendance matters in this school are:

Assistant Headteacher: L Hope

Attendance Officer: Mrs C Davies

ESW: E Jones 

Attendance Support Officers: E Hayes and Z Ankers-Philips

Pastoral Team Support for Attendance:

Year 7 

Head of Year: Mr J Cooledge (English)

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Miss J Harrison

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Sam LaRoche

Year 8 

Head of Year: Mr D Owen

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Jessica Harrison

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Sam LaRoche

Year 9 

Head of Year: Mr K Jones

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Claire Trueman

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Daria Plimley

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Ms Andrea Turner

Year 10 

Head of Year: Mr G Edwards

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Claire Trueman

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Daria Plimley

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Ms Andrea Turner

Year 11 

Head of Year: Mrs Alex Owens

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Claire Trueman

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Mrs Daria Plimley

Assistant Pastoral Lead: Ms Andrea Turner

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