
Ysgol Clywedog, a predominantly English medium school is committed to the pursuit of excellence by all, for all in a supportive and challenging environment.

At Ysgol Clywedog our aim is to educate the whole person by providing spiritual, moral, cultural, social, intellectual, emotional and physical development in a structured, caring, safe and supportive environment which is based on an ethos of respect.

In addition we strive to:
• Give all individuals opportunities to experience success, achievement and responsibility and to develop a sense of personal worth, self-confidence and self discipline.

• Provide a well-ordered, pleasant, stimulating environment, where learning is both enjoyable and recognised as our key task and where there is equal provision for all.

• Provide a relevant and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of all and which is enriched with a range of experiences and opportunities both within and outside the classroom.

• Bring the school and the wider community together in genuine partnership to promote lifelong learning and good citizenship.

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