Curriculum for Wales 2023

Curriculum for Wales Vision

Ysgol Clywedog will deliver a curriculum which supports the four purposes:

Ambitious, capable learners who enjoy learning, achieve and make progress
throughout their lives

The curriculum will provide a high challenge, through authentic tasks and
questioning, which meets the needs of all students.  The teachers and students will
be clear about what, why and how they are learning, and be able to articulate this to
others.  Students will be able to use previous skills, knowledge, understanding and
experiences to assess where they are now, and know what they need to do to make
progress. Teachers will be able to assess skills, knowledge, understanding and
experiences to provide systematic feedback and adapt the curriculum as needed.

Enterprising and creative people who contribute fully to life and work

The curriculum will provide a broad range of learning activities that students can
work on independently and collaboratively, using a wide range of skills. A wide range
of modelling and examples will ensure students know how to improve their own

Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to Wales and the World

The curriculum will engage all students actively from the start, preparing them for
independent practice supported by the teacher. This will support students to take
responsibility for their own learning and their own actions.

Confident and happy individuals who are able to live safe, sustainable, healthy and
fulfilling lives as a valued member of society

The learning environment will be a positive and safe community, reflecting positive
and respectful relationships, where students have the confidence to share their
experiences and views. Students will be supported in developing their own identity
and understand the values of their community and wider society.

The curriculum we will provide is accessible, inclusive and challenging, offering rich learning
experiences. It also offers opportunities for innovation, creativity and critical thinking in
order to encourage development of independence, perseverance and personal
effectiveness. We strive to enhance the use of digital technology to enable our pupils to
become well-informed, responsible digital citizens and lifelong learners.

How can we involve the school and wider community in developing the new curriculum?

Students have been taking part in student voice activities throughout the year, sharing their
views on what and how we teach in all areas of the school. This information is being used

within the planning phase and will continue to contribute to curriculum developments
which are part of our ongoing school evaluation processes.

In the autumn term of 2022 a parental survey was used to gather feedback on the new
curriculum. We asked parents for their comments to contribute to our vision:

You said…We did…
You would like to have some financial
Financial management will be taught across
years 7-9 in maths lessons
You would like more opportunities for your
child to go on trips abroad
Now that Covid restrictions have eased we
are planning opportunities for students to
visit France, Spain and Tanzania.
You would like external speakers to deliver
sessions to improve resilience, mental
health and ambition.
We are currently building an Alumni
Community who will be delivering a range
of activities from assemblies to career
engagement events.
We will also be working with partner
agencies to support young people with
their mental health as part of the planning
within the wellbeing lessons.
You would like us to do more around the
topic of bullying.
Bullying, respect and positive relationships
are addressed within wellbeing lessons
across years 7-9.
You made many suggestions about local
experiences you feel are important for our
young people e.g. the local library, Xplore!
Science Discovery Centre, Erddig Estate.
We are currently building the curriculum
with experiences in mind and working with
community providers to include these
types of experiences and visits.

Our staff are building and trialling aspects of the new curriculum in preparation for
delivery to years 7 and 8 from September 2023. The document below sets out in
more detail how we will build the new curriculum, focusing on what matters and
monitoring your child’s progress across years 7 to 9.

CfW Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements from Sept 2023
