Coronavirus; supporting child wellbeing

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Coronavirus; supporting child wellbeing

Category : Events

Wellbeing tips for schools from Wrexham Educational Psychology Service:

  • Give some time to talk and process what is happening, with children and as a group too. But also make sure that Coronavirus is not the only thing being talked about. Some people may wish to talk a lot about this, and others may not.
  • Consider asking about what children have heard about the virus and the situation so that you can correct possible misconceptions and reassure them.
  • Remember to keep things positive and give children hope. For example, tell children that now many people are working to make this better and that even though it is serious, everyone is doing their best to help people.
  • Remember that people react differently to significant events. Some people – children and staff – may feel worried, some excited, some nothing much at all. Reassure children that this is all normal and okay.
  • Keep to daily school routines as much as possible. Well-known routines in everyday life provide security and stability. Routine during unrest can be therapeutic, and changes particularly unsettling for some. If there are changes to routine, consider which children may need some extra help with this.
  • Identify colleagues whose wellbeing may be more at risk. For example, there may be people who have experienced anxiety in the past.
  • Stay informed by sticking to trusted sources of information. Avoid being too immersed in media coverage. Be mindful of the amount of things you are reading and watching, including social media – as this may add to worry and anxiety. Consider a few updates every day from trusted sources.
  • As an adult you may be concerned yourself. Take care of yourself and make sure you have breaks, time to relax, and ask for help from others if you need.

Some useful links:

NHS advice:

Talking to children about Coronavirus

Advice on talking to children about Coronavirus, by British Psychological Society:

How to talk to your child about coronavirus, by Childmind:

A child-friendly video explaining Coronavirus:

Child-friendly explanation of Coronavirus for Primary age students:

Information video on Coronavirus for older children/adults, by WHO:

Supporting Children/Adolescents Wellbeing

Your wellbeing

Coronavirus and your wellbeing, by Mind UK:

5 ways to wellbeing, by Mindkit:

Note: as the situation and sources of information are developing, the above tips and links may be updated.

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