Estyn Inspection October 2019

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Estyn Inspection October 2019

Category : Events

18th September 2019

Dear Parent / Guardian

Estyn Inspection October 2019

We were informed on Monday 16th September that we will be inspected as part of the Estyn cycle of school inspections during the week beginning 7th October 2019. The inspection will last from about midday on Monday 7th October until about 5 p.m. on Thursday 10th October.

On the back of the letter sent home on Wednesday there is information about school inspections from Estyn, including the code for the parental feedback survey. If you require the questionnaire in another language, please contact the school.

There are two ways that you can contribute to the inspection by giving your opinion about the education being provided by Ysgol Clywedog.

Firstly, you can complete an online parent questionnaire, which can be accessed by putting this address into your web browser:

We will be posting this letter on the website and a link on social media so that you can simply click on the link above to access the questionnaire. However, the code is specific to parents with children who attend Ysgol Clywedog and is on the reverse of the letter sent home. All responses are confidential.

Secondly, members of the inspection team will be holding a parents’ meeting from 5.00p.m. to 6.00p.m. on Monday 7th October in the main school hall to discuss the education provided by Ysgol Clywedog. There is an open invite to all parents with children at Ysgol Clywedog.

Yours faithfully

Matt Vickery


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