Free School Meals letter from the Local Authority

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Free School Meals letter from the Local Authority

Category : Events

Dear parent/carer

Firstly, can I thank you for your efforts in providing learning opportunities and supporting your children at home during these difficult and unprecedented times.

Since schools were closed for educational purposes on 20th March, the Council has been providing “Grab and Go” packed lunches for children eligible for free school meals through twelve distribution centres across the County Borough.  This system was introduced as an interim measure to give time to develop a system which will reach more families whose children receive free school meals when attending school and will continue upto and including Friday 1st May.

As from Monday 4th May, the Council will be introducing a Direct Payment system where parents will receive a payment into their bank account on a monthly basis equating £19.50 per week for each eligible child in the family.

This will enable parents to purchase food for their children and reduce the necessity to make daily visits to the distribution points and also reduce travel across the Borough. For the children of critical workers and vulnerable children in receipt of free school meals who are attending school and are currently in receipt of free school meals, this scheme will also apply and parents will be required to pay for the meal in school should they wish their child to have one or alternatively provide a packed lunch though using the finance provided.

Parents with children who receive free school meals are strongly encouraged to register through completing the registration form accessed through Council’s website at

Applications will open from 9am on Monday 20th April, and will close on Friday 1st May 2020 at 5pm. Payments for those who qualify will be made on Wednesday 6th May. Applications made after the closing date above, will not be paid in May.

Should there be any queries, please contact

Yours sincerely,

Ian Roberts

Chief Officer; Education and Early Entitlement

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