GCSEPod is here

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GCSEPod is here

Category : Events

As you know, in year 10 and 11, your daughter or son’s GCSE examinations are now approaching and as such we wanted to draw your attention to a new, free, on-line revision resource that we have subscribed to enabling your daughter or son to even more effectively revise for or practice important skills used in GCSE examinations. GCSEpod is suitable for supporting pupils of all abilities.

GCSEPod is an award-winning service that gives your child access to thousands of hours of professionally produced, audio-visual Pod content which will benefit them throughout their final GCSE revision preparation. The materials have been produced specifically for students to practise skills needed for extended written answers, something that is important in most subjects.

The GCSEPod website can be viewed on Android and Apple i-phones once the relevant app has been downloaded, it can also be accessed using tablets and traditional desk top computers. The Pods can be downloaded for offline viewing. Furthermore the Pods are mapped to the curriculum and relevant examination board and pupils can access pre-set exam playlists which collate all the Pods relevant to a specific exam into a neatly organised list.

Once your child has activated their account they can browse the Pod library and create their own playlists – just as they would when they’re listening to music. We recommend that you discuss GCSEPod with your daughter or son to ensure that they have successfully activated their accounts and encourage them to make use of this service throughout their revision.

All students in every year have already been registered with GCSEPod and simply need to activate their account and choose a username and password. To access GCSEPod for the first time, pupils should follow these simple steps:

  1. 1)  Go to www.gcsepod.com and click “Login” in the top right hand corner
  2. 2)  Click “New here? Get started.”
  3. 3)  Select “Pupil”
  4. 4)  The pupil should enter their name, date of birth and type in the name of their school. ‘Ysgol Clywedog’ should appear in a dropdown list. Click on the school in this list to confirm it.
  5. 5)  Select a username, password, and a password hint to help you remember the password.

Once logged in, pupils can search for Pods by keyword, a specific exam or subject area. Attached to this letter is a use guide that shows your child how to access GCSEpod. For more ways you can help support your child using GCSEPod, visit www.gcsepod.com/parents where you’ll find lots more information and resources.

I know we share a desire and determination to do our best for your daughter or son. We look forward to continuing our work with you as your child prepares for their GCSE examinations. Please do not hesitate to get into contact with me should you need any further assistance with GCSEpod or to discuss any other matter relating to your child’s GCSE preparation.

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