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NHS Test, Trace, Protect: COVID-19 Rapid Lateral Flow Self-Test

Category : Events

Dear Parents,

The Welsh Government has recently announced that a free and voluntary programme of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing will be available in education and childcare settings across Wales. This offer has been available to all staff and learners in years 10-13 and all college learners The offer is being extended to years 7-9 from 19th April.

Along with the primary infection control measures we have implemented, such as social distancing and good hand hygiene, testing will allow us to provide some additional reassurance to the wider school/college community.

Up to one in three people who have COVID-19 have the virus without symptoms so could be transmitting the virus unknowingly. Part of controlling the spread of the virus requires identifying those infectious individuals who aren’t showing and symptoms and asking them to self-isolate.  Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests have been widely and successfully used to detect COVID-19 in asymptomatic individuals. The speed and convenience of LFD tests supports detection of the virus in asymptomatic individuals who would not otherwise be tested. They are clinically approved and are crucial in the fight against the virus.

As the tests are more sensitive with higher viral loads, there is a risk of returning a negative result when viral loads are low (e.g. in the early stages of infection). This is why it is recommended that two LFD tests are taken 3 to 4 days apart, on a Wednesday and a Sunday, to enhance detection by picking up any cases which were not detected during the first test and to catch any new infections.

If you test positive using a LFD, it is likely that you are infectious and you must self-isolate immediately and book and take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 24 hours of your positive LFD test result. Contact tracing will be triggered following a positive LFD and your close contacts will be required to self-isolate until you receive your PCR test result, if the PCR test result is positive you and your close contacts will have to self-isolate.

A negative LFD result should not be read as a means to relax or ignore social distancing or other virus prevention measures intended to reduce transmission – LFD is an additional tool that contributes to reducing risk.

How the tests work

If you agree to take part, a consent form will need to be completed and returned, you will then arrange with the school/college to collect a pack of LFD test kits which will enable self-testing from home. Tests should be taken on Mondays and Thursdays, ideally the tests should be taken in the morning, as close to coming into school/college as possible. The LFDs supplied do not require laboratory processing and can provide a quick result in around 30 minutes. Comprehensive guidance on self-testing is contained in the ‘Instructions for Use’ leaflet which comes with the test kit.

Once the test has been conducted each test result must be logged online at www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result and reported to the school at https://sites.google.com/clywedog.org/distancelearning/ks4lft if the result is positive.

Purpose of testing

It is important to highlight that the purposes of the testing policy in education and childcare in Wales is to complement the primary control measures (such as social distancing and mask wearing) that have already been put in place to enable face to face learning / care to continue and to:

  • Rapidly identify those who are regularly on-site during learning/care hours, who are unknowingly carrying the virus and ask them to self-isolate to reduce disruption to face to face education / care.
  • Complement symptomatic results data with asymptomatic results data to provide a picture of infection rates as marker for the effectiveness, and implementation of, primary control measures and to assist in the early identification of clusters. In addition to a range of other data and public health advice this information can be used to inform national policy decisions.

The testing policy for education and childcare should not be viewed as a ‘test to enable’ or ‘test to return’ to face to face learning i.e. it is not a condition of coming on to the site or accessing learning/care. Additionally, this testing offer is entirely voluntary.


Consent / Privacy

All individuals wishing to take part should familiarise themselves with the testing process and privacy notice, if you choose to participate, you are committing to self-administer the test and provide results for all tests (negative or positive). Please complete the consent form here, before 18th April 2021.

With our primary protective measures and testing, we will help to reduce the spread of the virus. I am therefore strongly encouraging all staff and students to take the tests.  However, anyone who chooses not to participate should still attend school/college if they are not displaying symptoms.

People who decline to participate in this testing programme should follow the usual national guidelines on self-isolation and anyone should get tested if they show symptoms.

Yours faithfully,

Matt Vickery


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13th April Onwards: Summer Term

Category : Events

Thank you for your support during March 2021 where we have been able to increase the provision onsite. 

From 13th April 2021 we will be fully opening the school to all years.

In order to ensure that students and staff can return to full- time schooling safely, Ysgol Clywedog has carried out a risk assessment. The document below is based on the outcomes of the School Risk Assessment which has been compiled in line with Government Guidelines.


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School Music Lessons

Category : Events

Please see the attached letter from the Wrexham Music Co-operative.

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Young Carers Action Day – supporting heroic young carers in North Wales

Category : Events

There’s fantastic news from Wrexham Football Club this morning as they’ve announced they’re supporting Young Carers Action Day across Wrexham and North Wales by donating the proceeds from tonight’s match to young carers charities.

The club says: “Everyone from our owners Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, to our manager and players, think young carers are inspiring and amazing, and deserve recognition and support.”

“The club will also be raising the profile of young carers when it streams its game against Eastleigh tonight – so book a ticket and tune into the match tonight to hear more! https://page.inplayer.com/wrexhamafc/

Today will also see the launch of a Young Carers ID Card.

Did you know that one in twelve children become a young carer at some point during childhood…and these are our unsung heroes from every community in Wrexham.

They often help look after a parent or sibling who might be ill or disabled, and they carry a lot of responsibility on their young shoulders.

During lockdown it was clear that lots of us don’t appreciate the work they do and some young carers even faced abuse or were refused entry when trying to pick up essential items for their families.

As a result young carers asked for an ID card so that everyone, teachers, health professionals and shops know that they carry extra responsibilities, and can give them a bit of extra support if they need it.

Cllr Phil Wynn, Lead Member for Education, said: “It’s a very generous gesture by the club and I would like to thank them for their contribution which will help make the lives of our young carers a little easier.

If you are intending to watch tonight’s televised home game of Wrexham AFC v Eastleigh then please use the following link:


If you are viewing for the first time then you will need to set up an account by clicking on “Sign Up” , fill in details –  agree to terms – “Register”.

Then click on “Buy” button and pay your £10 viewing fee using a credit/debit card.

Viewing starts at 6.45pm with a 7pm kick-off time.

Proceeds from the televised revenue are generously being donated by the Club to the three Young Carer charities (WcD Young Carers, NEWCIS and Action for Children) who support Young Carers throughout north Wales.
