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World Children’s Day – 17-11-2022

Category : Events

World Children’s Day

Saturday 20th November marks World Children’s Day. World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on 20th November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide and improving children’s welfare.

November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is also the date in 1989 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 1990, World Children’s Day also marks the anniversary of the date that the UN General Assembly adopted both the Declaration and the Convention on children’s rights.

World Children’s Day offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children’s rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.
This year, Wrexham Council are marking World Children’s Day with a number of planned events.

Celebrating World Children’s Day in Wrexham

On Thursday 17th November 2022 Wrexham Council will be holding a free event in Tŷ Pawb to celebrate children’s rights and their place in society. This event is aimed at children, young people and families. The event will open from 4.30pm until 7pm. Everything in this event will be a free with free food, information market stalls and entertainment including treasure hunt, music, a choir, circus skills, magician, photo booth, play activities and much much more.  Please can you promote in your schools- posters attached.

Going Blue for World Children’s Day

On 17th November 2022 Wrexham Council will also be turning the Tŷ Pawb building blue to mark and celebrate World Children’s Day.  We would like to invite every school in Wrexham to mark World Children’s Day by requesting the staff and pupils in your school to wear something blue for the day on Thursday 17th November 2022. The hope is that by wearing blue we will bring attention to the importance of children’s rights.

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Have Your Say’ on new Made-for-Wales GCSEs

Category : News

Qualifications Wales is creating a brand-new set of GCSEs that will realise the ambition of the new Curriculum for Wales and meet the needs of learners.

They are consulting on proposals for 26 new GCSEs and other related qualifications. These are organised around what the Curriculum for Wales refers to as the six Areas of Learning and Experience.

Qualifications Wales wants people’s opinions on the content and ways of assessing the new qualifications that will be available from 2025.

The proposed qualifications include new combined GCSEs in The Sciences (incorporating Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Cymraeg Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, and Mathematics and Numeracy.

Qualifications Wales also wants people across the country to share their views on the content and assessment of brand-new GCSEs in Social Studies, Engineering, Film and Digital Media, and Dance.

Between 4 October and 14 December, you can tell us what you think of these proposals.

For more information and to ‘Have Your Say’ visit haveyoursay.qualifications.wales

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School Fund Raising / Rhostyllen Scarecrow Trail Event

Category : Events

The school recently held a cake sale to raise money for a former Ysgol Clywedog student Tomas who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 2.

A current Ysgol Clywedog teacher is also jogging 1Km a day to raise money for Tomas and kids like him through the Anthony Nolan Trust.

Further Fundraising taken place in October Half term

Scarecrow Trail taking place in the village of Rhostyllen this October half term (28th October to 6th November).

All funds raised will go towards these 4 children from the Rhostyllen Wrexham area which includes a former Ysgol Clywedog student Tomas.

ARIA– Aria is a funny 4 year old who was diagnosed with DIPG which is a terminal brain tumour. At the moment she is fighting it and she is doing amazing. Thank you so much for helping Aria. It’s means so much to her family.

ARCHIE– Archie has been diagnosed with (Menkes disease – and is just one of 3 babies a year about 1 in 300,000)

Menkes disease means that Archies body can’t absorb copper properly. Sadly there is no cure for this disease, and even worse most babies with menkes are typically given 2-3 years We are aiming to raise as much as we can to help the beautiful family make some memories with Archie

TOMAS– Tomas is an 18 year old lad who has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 2 (blood cancer) and it is contained in his chest cavity. Thankfully it is treatable and has been caught early. Tomas has recently started Chemotherapy.


FLORENCE– Florence is 21 Months old, she has a very rare genetic condition called Trisomy 8 mosaicism syndrome and a brain Condition called Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC) she was diagnosed Pre natal. These combined have resulted In the recent diagnosis of Scoliosis, along with many other medical issues that she has to battle with daily. Florence is developmentally delayed, she cannot sit unaided, crawl, walk or talk. For this to happen Florence will need regular therapy, which is where all money raised will go.

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Tanzania Parents Evening – 24/10/22 6:30pm

Category : Events

Just a reminder that the Year 9 and 10 Tanzania Parents evening will be taking place this evening at 6.30pm in the Main Hall. Please register or just come along. This is an amazing opportunity for all pupils! 

Registration link & School Code

Your School Code is 7931

Letter to Parents
