Making the most of your free school meals food vouchers or payments

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Making the most of your free school meals food vouchers or payments

Category : Events

During this period of uncertainty, it remains important to maintain good nutrition and hydration. It’s recommended that children are provided with three regular well-balanced meals per day and appropriate snacks in between. Regular meals can help provide structure to new daily routines. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Welsh Government has made funding available to your local authority for the provision of food vouchers or payments in place of free school meals. The Welsh Local Government Association is assisting partnership working and providing support. Your food vouchers or payments should be spent on food for your children. In practice, your food vouchers or payments will supplement your family’s budget for food shopping. Food shops include supermarkets and convenience stores but not takeaways. This leaflet provides useful tips on planning, shopping and preparing food for your family, along with a list of useful ingredients.

See the leaflet for more details and tips:   WLGA Leaflet for Schools

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