Link to Distance Learning Programme

Ysgol Clywedog is currently monitoring the situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the advice given by the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales. As a precaution, we have cancelled activities as appropriate and following guidance.

We are promoting regular and extended hand washing as per Public Health Wales and NHS guidance, as this is one of the biggest impacts on delaying the spread of the virus.

At this moment in time, the guidance from the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales is for schools to stay open. If we need to make a closure announcement, we will do so via our Twitter page, Facebook and website. In the event that the school will need to remain closed, we will update you regularly via the official channels.

Therefore, please ensure that you have informed the main office of any changes to contact details.

Please be reassured that we are doing everything we can to safeguard our pupils and follow all guidance published.

Information about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
A coronavirus is a type of virus. As a group, coronaviruses are common across the world. COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. The incubation period of COVID-19 is between 2 and 14 days. This means that if a person remains well 14 days after contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus, they have not been infected.

The following symptoms may develop in the 14 days after exposure to someone who has COVID-19 infection

  • cough;
  • difficulty in breathing; and/or
  • fever.

Generally, these infections can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, such as older people and/or those with long-term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease. There is no evidence that children are more affected than other age groups – very few cases have yet to have been reported in children.

How COVID-19 is spread?
From what we know about other coronaviruses, spread of COVID-19 is most likely to happen when there is close contact (within 2 metres) with an infected person. It is likely that the risk increases the longer someone has close contact with an infected person.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus. There are general principles anyone can follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including

  • students/staff who feel unwell (or develop high temperature or a new cough) should stay at home for 14 days;
  • students/staff who reside with another person displaying symptoms should stay at home for 14 days;
  • washing your hands often – with liquid soap and water, or use alcohol sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available. This is particularly important after taking public transport; covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin. Students, staff and visitors should wash their hands
    1) before leaving home;
    2) on arrival at school;
    3) after using the toilet;
    4) after breaks and sporting activities;
    5) before food preparation;
    6) before eating any food, including snacks; and
    7) before leaving school.
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • avoid close contact with people who are unwell;
  • if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a child or colleague, please use the Coronavirus COVID-19 symptom checker on NHS Direct Wales. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment;
  • see the latest information about novel coronavirus on the Public Health Wales website.

Actions taken by the school to support the wellbeing of students and staff
School leaders have been working to establish a continuity plan in response to the pandemic. This also includes planning for delivery of activities in the situation of a forced closure and planning for a return to ‘usual practice’ should a short-term and/or long-term closure take place.

Preventative measures have been introduced, including

  • Establishing a critical incident team to plan for all eventualities;
  • Identify members of the community with underlying medical conditions which place them in the ‘at risk’ group; (please contact the school if there is an underlying health condition we may be unaware of.)
  • Raising awareness of the symptoms closely linked to COVID-19 and the precautionary measures through visual displays;
  • Purchased additional quantities of alcohol based hand santiser and liquid soap (where national availability permits);
  • Additional cleaning of the regularly touched surfaces throughout the school day ie. door handles, hand rails etc; and
  • As of 16th March 2020, all non-essential activities will be either postponed or cancelled ie. sporting fixtures and trips and visits.

In the event of a full/partial school closure (short-term and/or long-term)
The school will only close where there is direct guidance/recommendation from appropriate authorities eg. Public Health Wales and/or where there are insufficient numbers of staff available to safely deliver an education to students.  Therefore, in this situation the school will

  • Provide all students (as so far as is possible) in all year groups (with increased support for those students preparing to sit public examinations in the summer) with online materials to facilitate distance learning; (please let the school know if you would like a paper based pack.)
  • Communicate with families/students on a regular basis, via this webpage, to provide updates on recovery phase ie. safe return to normal school life. (Please be aware this will be during normal school hours.)

Upon return to ‘normal practices’ the school will

  • Undertake a learning audit for examination classes to identify skills-gaps in readiness for the summer series;
  • Communicate with relevant awarding bodies to make them aware of any requirements for special considerations;
  • Respond to any ongoing support required for students and/or staff. This may include counselling services.

Throughout the UK Government response phases to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) the school will work closely with relevant authorities to make decisions which are in the interests of the all members of the community. However, to support the safety, wellbeing and continued learning of students the school asks that all families

  • Sign up to the school twitter feed @Ysgol_Clywedog to be able to access relevant information in the eventuality of a partial/full closure;
  • Ensure that the school has the correct email address in order to maintain communication throughout the process;
  • Talk to child(ren) about hygiene practices and make use of relevant sites to reduce anxiety.

Useful Information
UK Government (COVID-19)
Welsh Government (COVID-19)
Public Health Wales

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