Our Space, Our Future

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Our Space, Our Future

Category : Events

Dear Parent of year 8

Your child is following a course provided by Science made Simple, an award winning provider of STEM shows for schools.

The program is running alongside normal lessons and year 8 students are learning about how many different jobs are available in the Space Industry, and how so many skills can be used to be a part of this industry.  They are learning about how the space industry is important and that it involves so much more than astronauts.

This week, the classes are presenting a Dragon’s Den style pitch for funding and they are taking on the roles of various space industry workers, e.g. surveillance satellite operator,  microbiologist.
This video below was an introduction to the topics being covered. An important part of the course is parental and community involvement, so please find time to watch the video below and use it as a discussion over tea with your child.

We are looking forward to showcasing the student work at a later date.


From The Science Team
