September 2020 Summary

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September 2020 Summary

Category : Events

Please see updated page: September 2020 – Whole School Opening

Following the announcement last week by the Education Minister, I would like to share with you our arrangements for re-opening in September 2020. These plans do not reflect what would be the normal, working arrangements at Ysgol Clywedog, but are transitional arrangements as we begin to emerge from lockdown. We will of course routinely review these plans and will adapt these based on ongoing advice.

There is a video version here.

w/c 24th August 2020

Publication of:

  • Year group information videos
  • Parental information booklet with final arrangements
  • Any updated Public Health Wales documentation
  • Final Year 7 Transition Day Timetable

w/c 31st August 2020 – Preparation and Transition week

1st, 2nd September – Preparation days

3rd, 4th September – Year 7 Start with Year 7 Transition Days

There will be a full induction programme for all new Year 7 students for two days on Thursday 3 September to Friday 4 September. As these students were unable to visit us for their normal transition days in Year 6, the aim is to now run all of the activities that they missed and more, in order that they have an exciting start to their time at Ysgol Clywedog. These activities will include taster lessons, icebreaker activities and skills challenges. In addition we will be holding a sports challenge and of course, through these exciting activities they will make new friends, get to know the staff and familiarise themselves with the school site.

During these induction days, the school will only be open to year 7 and as a result this should further ease their transition to high school, as well as help them familiarise themselves with school transport arrangements.

w/c 7th September – Week 1

Date Start dates Students in school
Monday 7th September Year 11 Start Year 7, Year 11
Tuesday 8th September Year 10 Start Year 7, Year 10, Year 11
Wednesday 9th September Year 9 Start Year 7, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11
Thursday 10th September Year 8 Start All years
Friday 11th September All years

w/c 14th September – Week 2

All students in.

September/October half-term arrangements 

A lot of what we have been doing for July will continue in September:

  • Current COVID rules will continue with keeping apart, regular hand hygiene and staying at home if symptomatic or ill
  • Tissue bins and classroom hygiene packs will continue
  • Additional cleaning will continue
  • One way systems will continue where needed
  • If a student is unable or unwilling to follow school rules, parents will be asked to collect them
  • We will use Track, Trace and Protect to manage confirmed cases

In addition the following will be in place:

  • Additional signage will support social distancing and individual risk assessments will be undertaken if shielding is still in place
  • Classrooms will be arranged to reduce contact and support social distancing
  • Year groups will be allocated toilets to use within the zone
  • Each year group will have their own entrance to the school to support social distancing
  • Bells will only sound at the start of the day and end of breaks
  • At the start of break, lunch and the end of the day, KS3 will leave 5 minutes early and return after breaks on the first bell, and KS4 will leave at break time and return to class at the normal time, on the second bell
  • Suspected COVID-19 procedures will be updated
  • The school will be provided with home testing kits to give to staff and students with suspected COVID-19

Uniform & Equipment

Students will be required to wear full school uniform when we return in September, please see the link for further information:

Please can I remind you that no fabric trainers or shoes are permitted; shoes or trainers must be plain black leather-style, with no logos, colours or flashing.

Blazers are compulsory; however, in warm weather the jumper is optional.

Students will be required to bring a school bag to carry their books and equipment, and I would also ask that you ensure that your child always has the necessary equipment, to reduce the likelihood of any transmission that may arise when they borrow materials.

In addition, we will seek to reduce the need for teachers to collect books or work from students and will continue to provide work or additional resources via Google Classrooms.

Year 7

Students will follow their timetable and be taught in their form groups, which are mixed ability classes based upon information on friendship groups received from primary schools. This arrangement helps to support students in settling in, and setting arrangements will be reviewed at the end of the autumn term.

Students will be allocated a designated form room where the relevant subject specialists will teach them for the majority of their lessons.

During lessons, contacts with other students will be limited to students from the same class. However, during break and lunch times, students will be allocated a designated year zone within school where their contact should only be with the others from the same year group.

Whenever students enter or leave their designated room, they will be expected to use the hand sanitisers and always occupy their allocated desk.

Year 8

Students will follow their timetable and be taught in classes that are set by ability based upon their overall attainment. These may well be different to their previous year’s classes. Students will be allocated a designated base room where the relevant subject specialists will teach them for the majority of their lessons.

During lessons, contacts with other students will largely be limited to students from the same class. However, during break and lunch times, students will be allocated a designated zone within school where their contact should only be with the others from the same year group.

Whenever students enter or leave their designated room, they will be expected to use the hand sanitisers and always occupy their allocated desk on the seating plan.

Year 9

Students will follow their timetable and be taught in bands that are set by ability based upon their overall attainment. These may well be different to their previous year’s classes. Students will be allocated a zone in which they are taught, which means they will move between classrooms in order to access their different sets. During lessons, contacts with other students will largely be limited to students from the same class. However, during break and lunch times, students will be allocated a designated zone within school where their contact should only be with the others from the same year group.

Whenever students enter or leave their designated room, they will be expected to use the hand sanitisers and always occupy their allocated desk.

Years 10 and 11

Students will follow their timetable and be taught in classes that are set by ability, based upon their attainment in their individual subjects. This will be broadly similar to their current setting arrangements. Students will be allocated a zone in which they are taught, which means they will move between classrooms in order to access their different sets and option choices. During lessons, contacts will therefore occur with other students from across the whole year group.

To reduce the risk of transmission, all students will be expected to use the hand sanitisers available.

During break and lunch times, students will be allocated a designated zone within school where their contact will only be with the others from the same year group.

Catering Arrangements

Students will need to bring a packed lunch or they can pre-order lunch from the canteen at the start of the day and it will be delivered to a drop-off point within each year zone.

However, due to the need to restrict contacts between year groups, we will be unable to provide breakfasts before school or snacks at break time.

The arrangements for students in receipt of free school meals will revert to normal from 1 September.

Parents are kindly requested to ensure that accounts are credited using the online payment system prior to the school reopening, as the canteen will be unable to accept any cash payments.

Transport Arrangements

At present, we believe that facemasks will be compulsory for all passengers travelling by bus or taxi, and this will therefore apply to Ysgol Clywedog students. All students eligible for school transport will be contacted by the Wrexham school transport service over the summer holidays to confirm arrangements, and if you have any queries then please contact them directly.

The priority in September will be health and well-being, but the focus will be on skills, knowledge and understanding in a broad and balanced curriculum, leading to progression and assessment.  Google Classroom will still be the main platform for curriculum delivery, particularly for blue homework and could also be used for the yellow assessments.

I hope this provides you with an overview of our arrangements for re-opening in September. Please be assured that your child will receive an induction programme on their arrival, which will set out in detail the new working arrangements alongside the videos published at the end of August.

We recognise that these arrangements may appear daunting and unusual, but I would like to reassure you that we will do our utmost to ensure that all of our students are nurtured and cared for, in a safe environment.

Further detailed information will be published towards the end of August.

I would like to thank you for your continued support and I hope that you have a very enjoyable summer.

Mr Vickery


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