Welcome back to the summer term

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Welcome back to the summer term

Category : Events

Dear/Annwyl Parent / Guardian

I hope you are all continuing to stay safe as we come to the start of the second half of the Summer Term. I don’t think any of us could have imagined a half term quite like this.  The purpose of this letter is just to provide you with a useful summary of where we are at with our current ways of working.  I will also take the opportunity to update you on the messages from Welsh Government regarding schools reopening to some more learners as we go through the next half term.

Learning from Home.

Our setting of work for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 is continuing to follow the weekly ‘timetables’, all of this information fro learning and wellbeing can be found on our new distance learning website. The links to these are also on the front page of the school website under distance learning. If you click on the page for each year group there is a time table and a list of all the Google Classroom codes.
These should be used to help structure the week. They are there to help learners know what they should be working on.
All the work to support the weekly timetable is in the Google Classroom. Teachers are updating the Google Classroom weekly, and providing weekly feedback. We want learners to make sure they are also taking time for physical activity, spending quality time with their family and supporting their own well-being.
If you have any questions regarding the above please email us on vle@clywedog.org

Emergency Childcare Provision

We continue to provide emergency child care for the children of Key Workers and Vulnerable young people.  This provision has been operating since the start of the lock down and will be continuing throughout the term.  It is an essential service and we are continuing to offer this.

If you feel your child is eligible for this provision please contact the school.  I must continue to emphasise that this provision should only be used if there is no safe alternative.  I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for ensuring that, where there are alternative arrangements, they have been made.

The partial reopening of schools.

As I am sure you are aware there has been much coverage in the media regarding the partial reopening of schools.   The information that we have at the moment is that there will be no partial reopening on the 1st June 2020.  We did receive further guidance from Welsh Government on Friday afternoon which made clear that we would only move to partial reopening when the risk moved from being in ‘Lockdown’ to being ‘Amber’ according to the Welsh Governments traffic light guide.

I can assure you that myself and the Leadership Team and the site team are looking at all the measures we need to take to ensure that school is as well prepared as it can be for any partial reopening.  We will update you on the measures we are taking as we receive more information from Welsh Government.

Summer 2020 GCSE and Vocational Qualification Results.

We are still working, with guidance from Welsh Government and Qualifications Wales, on the award of GCSEs and Vocational Qualifications for learners in Year 10 and Year 11.

We have finally received clarification that learners in Year 10 only completing units such as Science, History and Geography there will be no centre assessed grades awarded in the summer.  For learners in Year 10 we are seeking clarity on how your courses will be adapted to reflect the fact that you have been out of school for a number of school weeks.  Again, once a decision is made on this we will communicate this with you.

Free School Meals

All parents who are eligible to claim for Free School Meals should now be receiving a direct payment into their bank accounts.  This means that there is no longer a grab and go collection service.  We can however still offer support for families who are not receiving this direct payment.  In the first instance please contact the school on mailbox@clywedog.wrexham.sch.uk

Weekly Vlogs

As we progress through this half term, I will share a video update each Monday via my YouTube channel in order to keep you updated as guidance and advice evolves.

I hope this letter just updates you on the current important areas of business in the school.  As soon as I have more information on any of the areas above I will contact you and update you.

Make sure you and your families are keep well and please, as always, do contact us via the schools email address if there is anything that we can do to help you.

Yours sincerely

Matt Vickery, Headteacher
