Year 11 new end of isolation date – 14th December

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Year 11 new end of isolation date – 14th December

Category : Events

You may have heard the First Minister has today announced that the isolation period has been altered.

This impacts not only all new isolations from tomorrow, Thursday 10th December but also impacts on all staff and students currently isolating.

People should self-isolate for 10 days if they:

Received a positive test result for Covid-19

  • Have symptoms of Covid-19 and are waiting for a test result, or have not been tested, but do not require hospital treatment
  • Live with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or is showing symptoms that may be caused by the virus
  • Have any close contacts who have tested positive for coronavirus
  • Are returning from a non-exempt country

The cut from 14 days to 10 applies to people currently isolating as well as new starters.

Year 11 are “Have any close contacts who have tested positive for coronavirus” so year 11’s last day of isolation is now 14th December.

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