Ysgol Clywedog School Uniform – Initial Survey

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Ysgol Clywedog School Uniform – Initial Survey

Category : Events

The Governing Body have recently approved proposals to undertake a review of the current school uniform. After a Student Council meeting it has been agreed to conduct an initial feedback survey comprising of questions from students, staff and parents.


For some time, many concerns have been raised by a range of stakeholders regarding the current school uniform that has culminated in this decision to undertake a review.

The key issues raised in various conversations and forums are as follows:

General feedback from staff, governors, parents and students indicates a clear desire to retain the traditional blue colour scheme, however:

  • The current uniform is not sufficiently aspirational or smart. Concerns have been raised on many occasions by parents and staff regarding the overall appearance of students, being particularly evident in school events and most notably during external events when students go out into the community. The contrast with other schools was particularly apparent.
  • Feedback from some students indicates that the current uniform is often likened to that of a primary school and is perceived to be insufficiently mature or aspirational. Many students have suggested that a secondary uniform should represent a marked transition to adulthood and professional dress e.g. blazer, shirt and tie, rather than the current sweatshirt.
  • The current uniform specification is open to interpretation. This makes it especially difficult for staff and parents to secure adherence to the policy which in turn compromises the school’s endeavours to secure their ‘readiness to learn’, promote a positive climate for learning and in turn raise standards. These issues take up valuable teaching and learning time and this can inhibit the progress of some students.
  • The most significant issues surround inappropriate and increasingly sexualised dress amongst some students, which includes skirt length, trouser length, leggings and jeggings as well as the increasing incidence of embellishments such as gold zips etc.
  • Whilst many of the concerns listed above have been raised, parents have also indicated that the affordability and durability of uniform remains a key consideration, especially for families with siblings attending Ysgol Clywedog.

Additional information

  • There have been no requests from Parents or students to look at changing the PE kit this year.
  • Specific arrangements will be explored for the current Year 10 students to mitigate any costs for just one year of wearing any new uniform.

Next Steps

On the basis of this initial discussions we have published an initial survey for students, parents, staff and governors. We hope to ascertain the initial views of all stakeholders in order that they are active participants in deciding if there is a need to change, and if so, in shaping the uniform of the future.  The survey will be sent via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The link to the survey is also at the top of this page.

When we have this feedback we will put forward proposals for September 2019. We also recognise that the views of parents are critical, and to this end we will be holding parental events in the spring term.

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