French Trip – July 2020

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French Trip – July 2020

Category : Events

The school French trip was due to take place in July.  You will now be aware that the government has advised that all school trips abroad should be cancelled for the foreseeable future.  It is with regret that we have to inform you that this trip will therefore no longer take place.  I appreciate the disappointment that this will inevitably cause many students.  We have contacted the tour operator to inform them that we shall be following governmental advice, in order to ensure the well-being of our students and staff.   We shall not accept the offer of a re-scheduled trip for this academic year as we would prefer to re-book next academic year, if this is realistic and if we are confident that the trip can run safely as planned.

Of the monies that you have paid so far, £50 per person has been paid over to the tour operator as a deposit to secure our booking.  We have asked the tour operator to advise us whether or not we shall be able to recover this deposit from them and we are currently awaiting a response.  They will need to speak to their respective governing bodies before engaging in any dialogue with the school about potential refunds.  We are also in regular contact with Wrexham Local Authority on this matter.  We can assure you that any money that you have paid above the £50 deposit required by the tour operator has been held by school and will be refunded to you in due course.

There is nothing more important to us than the welfare of our students, their families and our staff, and this priority will always guide the decision-making process which underpin school trips.  Thank you so much for your understanding.  We shall contact you in due course with further information.

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