Guidelines for Learners on Acceptable Use of the Distance Learning Programme

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Guidelines for Learners on Acceptable Use of the Distance Learning Programme

Category : Events

  • Only complete activities on the learning platform that have been allowed by a teacher or another adult from the school (for example Google Classroom)
  • Don’t share your password with others
  • Ensure that everything you write on Google Classroom is respectful, courteous and related to the school work.
  • Respect the work of others when you are working together and behave appropriately when sharing comments about the work of fellow students.
  • Take the necessary steps to protect yourself from dangers when using the internet.
  • Tell your parents / guardians or a teacher if you see anything on the screen that worries you.
  • Ask a teacher or another adult in the school for help through the distance learning platform if you are unsure about what to do, or if you think you have made a mistake.

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