GCSEPod Webinar for Parents
Category : Events
GCSEPod are providing a webinar on multiple GCSEPod features for parents and carers. They will be an opportunity to meet with like-minded individuals throughout the world, have your questions answered by a GCSEPod expert and learn about the best way to make full use of the resource during this time. Spaces are limited so please book your place below.
To book just click the link to the right of the webinar. For more info on the webinars that are running (and to view samples of the ones that have ran so far) click here – https://www.gcsepod.com/news-g
PARENT WEBINAR – Introduction to GCSEPod
May 6th 14:30:00 https://us02web.zoom.us/webina
May 13th 17:00:00 https://us02web.zoom.us/webina
May 15th 12:30:00 https://us02web.zoom.us/webina