HMS Belfast Kip in a Ship 2nd/3rd April Update

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HMS Belfast Kip in a Ship 2nd/3rd April Update

Category : Events

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Re: HMS Belfast Kip in a Ship 2nd /3rd April

I am writing to let you know that due to the current Coronavirus situation, Imperial War Museum have taken the decision to close all of their sites until further notice. I received an email yesterday including the following statement;

In line with advice from Public Health England, IWM has taken the decision to close all of its sites in effect from the end of today (Tuesday 17 March) until further notice. This includes IWM London, IWM North, HMS Belfast, Churchill War Rooms and IWM Duxford.

Unfortunately, this means that we will have to postpone the trip until they reopen or request a refund. My aim is to rearrange for a date later in the year, although I will of course be guided by the relevant advice and I will request a refund if it is not possible for the visit to go ahead this academic year.

It is disappointing as the students were very much looking forward to the experience but in the current climate, the health of everyone must be the first priority.

Yours Faithfully,
Gareth Edwards

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