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Youth Work in Education

Category : Events

The Youth Work in Education team will be running two time out for parent support groups

Youth Work In Education Poster

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Ysgol Clywedog – Curriculum for Wales Vision

Category : Events

As you may be aware a new Curriculum for Wales is being developed across the country ready for implementation over the next few years.

At Ysgol Clywedog we have already started looking at what this curriculum might look like and its purpose.
Below is a draft of our ‘vision’ for what we want our curriculum to deliver. This has already been shared for feedback from staff and students. We would like feedback from parents too.
Please feel free to make suggestions or comments from a parent’s perspective, on this draft vision document, by using the message box below.

A New Curriculum In Wales A Guide For Children Young People And Families

Ysgol Clywedog – Curriculum for Wales Draft Vision Statement

Ysgol Clywedog will deliver a curriculum which supports and develops…

Ambitious, capable learners who enjoy learning, achieve and make progress throughout their lives

The curriculum will provide a high challenge, through authentic tasks and questioning, which meets the needs of all students.

The teachers and students will be clear about  what, why and how they are learning, and be able to articulate this to others.

Students will be able to use previous skills, knowledge, understanding and experiences  to assess where they are now, and know what they need to do to make progress.

Teachers will be able to assess skills, knowledge, understanding and experiences to provide systematic feedback and adapt the curriculum as needed.

Enterprising and creative people who contribute fully to life and work

The curriculum will provide a broad range of learning activities that students can work on independently and collaboratively, using a wide range of skills.

A wide range of modelling and examples will ensure students know how to improve their own learning.

Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to Wales and the World

The curriculum will engage all students actively from the start, preparing them for independent practice supported by the teacher. This will support students to take responsibility for their own learning and their own actions.

Confident and happy individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives as a valued member of society

The learning environment will be a positive and safe community, reflecting positive and respectful relationships, where students have the confidence to share their experiences and views.

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Letter to Parents regarding Partial Closure – Year 8

Category : Events

19th October 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian

I am writing to update you on the current impact of Covid-19 on Ysgol Clywedog and our plans to address this. You will be aware from the school’s communications since September that we have made every effort to continue to provide an education to all our students whilst maintaining an environment that is as safe as possible. We have also, with the support of the local authority and Public Health Wales staff, followed a policy of thoroughly investigating cases of Covid-19 within the school and keeping the numbers of students required to self-isolate to an absolute (but safe) minimum.

We have attempted to secure the services of supply teachers to address the above shortfall but the growing impact of the spread of the Covid-19 virus means that the demand from all secondary schools in the region for these temporary cover teachers has dramatically increased in recent days. In addition, we have had notification of additional staff who are absent today. This in turn has led to an acute shortage of available staff.

Unfortunately, for Tuesday 19th October,  the school needs to take exceptional steps in order to maintain our successful operation as an organisation and to continue to support the safety of all.

As a result, I have reluctantly made the decision to introduce a revised timetable which means that year 8 will need to work from home on Tuesday 19th October. I would like to assure all of our families that this decision has not been taken lightly and that I am hoping our circumstances change for the better and we will return to our normal operation as soon as possible. On Tuesday 19th October, year 8 will be able to access their work through Google Classroom.

Please note that years 7, 9, 10 and 11 will remain in school full-time and will follow their normal timetable. We have prioritised KS4 due to the fact that they are preparing for their GCSE exams.

We fully appreciate the impact that this will have on our young people and yourselves as parents and carers. We apologise for the additional disruption to learning and family life that these measures will inevitably bring but hope it is understood that the school would not be taking these exceptional measures unless it was absolutely essential to do so.

I am very grateful for your continued patience and understanding as well as your commitment to supporting your child’s learning and progress during any enforced absence from school and distance learning.

If you have any questions relating to this matter or require any additional information, please contact the school via our usual email address.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr M Vickery


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