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The ultimate course to help your child to learn

Category : Events

Help Your Child to Learn with Mike Gershon is a comprehensive course for parents of 5-12 year-olds, giving you everything you need to support your child’s learning and to help them grow and develop.

The course is available for FREE to parents of year 7 and 8.

Remember, you will need to enter your coupon code at the checkout to make the course free to access.

Please check your email for the coupon code.

How to access the course – video version

About Mike Gershon

Mike is the author of more than 40 books on teaching, learning and education, including numerous bestsellers, and his work has been translated into Welsh, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic and Chinese.

Mike’s online teaching resources are some of the most popular of all time, having been viewed and downloaded more than 4 million times by teachers in over 180 countries and territories.

Having supported teachers, learners and schools for many years, Mike has now created a unique, unparalleled course for the most important people in every child’s life: their parents. Help Your Child to Learn with Mike Gershon unlocks the secrets of learning, giving parents the tools, insights and strategies they need to help their children to learn, grow and flourish, no matter what.

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Year 6 Transition Days: 23rd -25th June 2021

Category : Events

We look forward to welcoming Year 6 students and parents who will be joining Ysgol Clywedog in September.

Unless anything changes from Welsh Government on Friday, we are planning ‘close to normal’ transition days for 23rd – 25th June.
Below is a 10 minute briefing to share our plans. Please watch the video before your child attends  the Transition Days

More information is here: General COVID guidance for the school is here

The parents evening will be online an details for this event will be published here.

We will also be putting on year 7 induction/transition days in September so that any students who can’t attend now, will be able to attend then.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school

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Dear Parents of year 11

Category : Events

Dear Parents of year 11

Year 11 students have worked phenomenally well over the last couple of months on their GCSE assessments. This means, except for additional mathematics students, they will have finished all their assessments today.

Therefore, they will not need to attend School for the remainder of this week.

If any student would like to attend school, then they are more than welcome and we are looking forward to the whole year group attending on Friday morning (in school uniform or school hoodies) for their leavers assembly.

On behalf of the school, and your children, I would like to thank you for all the support that you have given during these challenging times.

Take care

Mr Vickery


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Our Space, Our Future

Category : Events

Dear Parent of year 8

Your child is following a course provided by Science made Simple, an award winning provider of STEM shows for schools.

The program is running alongside normal lessons and year 8 students are learning about how many different jobs are available in the Space Industry, and how so many skills can be used to be a part of this industry.  They are learning about how the space industry is important and that it involves so much more than astronauts.

This week, the classes are presenting a Dragon’s Den style pitch for funding and they are taking on the roles of various space industry workers, e.g. surveillance satellite operator,  microbiologist.
This video below was an introduction to the topics being covered. An important part of the course is parental and community involvement, so please find time to watch the video below and use it as a discussion over tea with your child.

We are looking forward to showcasing the student work at a later date.


From The Science Team
