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Flexible return to education – next steps from March 15th Onwards

Category : Events

YC Letter Reopening March 2021

Dear Parent / Carer

Flexible return to education – next steps

On March 3rd, 2021 Welsh Government released their latest guidance for students returning to school settings. With COVID-19 case rates falling across Wales we welcome the opportunity to allow education settings of secondary school aged students to start to open more fully from the 15th March.

Initial Welsh Government guidance gave educational leaders the ability to open for exam students only. In addition, this latest guidance allows for some flexibility in other year groups in specific circumstances.

Yesterday, Headteachers across Wrexham met to discuss this flexible return to education for secondary aged students.

We recognise that each educational setting will have specific factors it will need to consider regarding timings, staffing and current safety measures in place on sites. However, the general principles across education settings of secondary school aged students in Wrexham will be:

  • Maximum time and resources on site will be provided to examination years during the two weeks beginning 15th
  • Key stage 3 learners will be offered the opportunity for face-to-face sessions and to return to school for some time during the second week of the two-week period leading up to the Easter holiday.

To ensure that this return considers the safety and welfare of learners and staff, individual schools will confirm school-specific details early next week.

We are looking forward to this flexible return to onsite learning in our secondary settings from March 15th.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Matt Vickery


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Critical worker and vulnerable student provision 8th – 19th March 2021

Category : Events

Parents should complete the google form for each period of on-site provision.

The school will have regard to this list when deciding who is a critical worker.

The law only requires one parent to be a critical worker for the obligation to make arrangements to apply.

Being included on the above list does not mean children of all workers in these categories can or will be able to continue to send their children to school. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. Every child who can be safely cared for at home should be. However, if a parents/carers work is critical to the COVID-19 response or is in a key sector such as health and social care and the child/children cannot be kept safely at home, then priority should be given for continued education provision.

Please read this guide, particularly if your child is attending school during this time.






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Year 10 Parents Evening 18th March 2021, 4:00pm-6:30pm

Category : Events

Parents’ Evening Bookings

Due to the current restrictions, the year 10 parents’ evening will be held online. Bookings are now available with your child’s subject teachers for the evening which will take place on Thursday 18th March 2021, from 4.00pm until 6:30pm. The booking system will close at 3:00pm on Wednesday 17th March 2021.

A guide is available to help you to make bookings at the bottom of this page, and a direct link to the Parents’ Evening System is here.

If your child has more than one teacher for a subject you only need to book an appointment with one teacher.

If you are unable to log in, please ensure that you are using the email address that we have on record for you. If you have any questions or difficulty making a booking please contact data@clywedog.org for assistance.

The evening will be held via Google Meet. A link for each teacher will be added to ePraise as the room, prior to the evening.

We look forward to seeing you.

To book an appointment, please click on the link below and follow the instructions:

ePraise Login Link

ePraise Parent Guide

ePraise Parent_Guide_to_parents’_evening bookings

Step by step guide to booking a parents’ evening appointment

Parents’ evenings can be found on our ePraise website under Community > Parents’ evenings or on our app under the More menu. To view your schedule just click on the event you want. Please book an appointment to see your child’s/children’s teachers, to do this simply select the Book appointment button and fill in the details.

The email address needed is the one that you have given to the school on the data collection sheet or application form.

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Year 9 Parents Evenings and Learning Pathways Events

Category : Events

Parents’ Evening Bookings

Due to the current restrictions, the year 9 parents’ evenings and the Learning Pathways (options) Event will be held online.

Bookings are now available for the evenings which will take place on 27th January 4:00-6:30pm for core subjects (English, Maths, Science and Welsh) and on 25th February 4:00-6:30pm for all other subjects. We have split the evenings this year so that on 25th February you will also be able to discuss your child’s GCSE options with subject teachers.

On 28th January at 4:40pm we will launch the Learning Pathways videos and documents via the school website and social media which will explain the options process and share information about each year 10 subject.

We will also hold online drop-in sessions on 29th January 2-4pm and 1st February 9-10am. Details of how to attend these will follow.

A guide is available to help you to make bookings at the bottom of this page, and a direct link to the Parents’ Evening System is here.

If your child has more than one teacher for a subject you only need to book an appointment with one teacher.

If you are unable to log in, please ensure that you are using the email address that we have on record for you. If you have any questions or difficulty making a booking please contact data@clywedog.org for assistance.

The evening will be held via Google Meet. A link for each teacher will be added to ePraise as the room, prior to the evening.

We look forward to seeing you.

To book an appointment, please click on the link below and follow the instructions:

ePraise Login Link

ePraise Parent Guide

ePraise Parent_Guide_to_parents’_evening bookings

Step by step guide to booking a parents’ evening appointment

Parents’ evenings can be found on our ePraise website under Community > Parents’ evenings or on our app under the More menu. To view your schedule just click on the event you want. Please book an appointment to see your child’s/children’s teachers, to do this simply select the Book appointment button and fill in the details.

The email address needed is the one that you have given to the school on the data collection sheet or application form.
