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Drop Everything and Read – Tuesday 7th March

Category : Events

On Tuesday 7th March P2, the whole school will be taking part in our weekly ‘Drop Everything and Read‘ event.

All students and staff will be reading either their accelerated reader book (KS3) or a book of their choice (KS4 & staff) which they have brought from home.

Please remember your books for Tuesday!

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KS3 Information Evening (Accelerated Reader)

Category : Events

Year 7 – Monday 13th Feb – 6pm Until 7pm in the school hall

Year 8 & 9 – Wednesday 15th Feb – 6pm Until 7pm in the school hall

More information can be found on the letter below

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Modern Languages Department Trip: Château du Baffy: October 2023

Category : Events

Following a successful visit last October, we are planning to take a group to Normandy again during the October half-term break, travelling out on Thursday 26th October and returning on Monday, 30th October, 2023.

We shall be staying in the Château du Baffy, situated between the towns of Caen and Bayeux, not far from the D-Day landing beaches. The Château du Baffy is a traditional French château, which has been converted into purpose-built accommodation for school groups. Further details can be found at this web address: https://chateaudubaffy.education/overview-of-chateau-school-trips/at-a-glance .

Planned excursions during the trip will include the Caen Memorial Museum and the 3600 cinema at Arromanches, which will give pupils a good insight into the events of the D-Day landings, and the Bayeux Tapestry, which tells the story of the Norman invasion of England and the Battle of Hastings.

Other activities will include visits to a traditional wood-fired bakery, a goat farm and a caramel factory to find out about the production of bread, cheese and other local specialities. Pupils will also have a chance to do some shopping in a traditional French market.

The trip is open to all pupils currently in years 7, 8, 9 and 10, whether or not they are studying French.  Whilst this will be an ideal opportunity for pupils to practise their language skills, the trip will also provide them with an insight into aspects of French culture and history, which will link to other subjects in the school curriculum.

The cost of the trip is £410. This covers:

  • All travel costs (travel will be by coach and ferry)
  • Any costs incurred by the school
  • Group insurance
  • Accommodation and meals (except for meals during the journeys)
  • Museum admissions

The cost of the trip may be paid in instalments as follows:

  1. Non-returnable deposit of £110 payable with your booking request
  2. Six further instalments of £50 each, payable monthly from February 2023 through to July 2023, payment to be received on or before the last day in the month.

Where possible, please make payments using the Parent Pay facility.  Alternatively, please make cheques payable to Ysgol Clywedog

Terms and Conditions

  • Places will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, with a reserve list operating should the trip become full.
  • Pupils who withdraw from the trip will only have their money refunded if they have a medical note, or if there is another pupil willing to take their place.
  • Behaviour in school will be monitored and if the group leader or head teacher feel it necessary, then pupils may be withdrawn from the trip after consultation with parents / guardians.

If you wish your child to take part in this trip, please complete the attached booking request and return it together with a deposit of £110, either by ParentPay or by cheque (made payable to Ysgol Clywedog) as soon as possible. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me at school (tel. 01978 – 346800) should you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C. V. Temple

Subject Leader, Modern Foreign Languages

Complete letter including Booking request form can be downloaded / printed by clicking the following link

French Trip Letter

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Drop Everything And Read

Category : Events

Drop Everything And Read

On Monday the 16th of January the whole school will be taking part in our weekly ‘Drop Everything and Read‘ event. All students and staff will be reading either their accelerated reader book (KS3) or a book of their choice (KS4 and staff) which they have brought from home. Please support us by checking that your child has their book in their bag, so they can take part in this wonderful weekly event. 

We are promoting reading for pleasure because it has been proven that those who do, perform significantly better at school than other learners. Not only does reading regularly help to improve vocabulary development, it also has a significant impact on Writing and spelling. Through ‘Drop Everything and Read’ students are able to build up reading stamina. The dates for this half term are below.

  • Monday 16th January P1
  • Monday 23rd January P2
  • Monday 30th January P3
  • Monday 6th February P4
  • Monday 13th February P5
