Year 11 Results Day – 20th August 2020

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Year 11 Results Day – 20th August 2020

Category : Events

Video version is here

For results day we will need to continue with social distancing. Only the front of the school will be open, so please arrive at the front gate at the time allocated below.  There will be a one way system for you to collect your results. 

The main car park will be closed, so please use the bus bay for pickups and drop offs.

GCSE-level Results will be available for students to collect from the Sports Hall, via the fire doors in the main car park.

Only students will be able to collect their results in the Main Hall. Parents/friends should wait outside.

Results will be available for students to collect at the following times:

Form Time
C 9:00am
L 9:30am
Y, B, R and P 10:00am
W 10:30am
E 11:00am
D 11:30am

If you are unable to attend at your allocated time,  please email  and your results will be emailed out during the afternoon.

If you have completed the form for a blazer refund, please bring the blazer and locker key with you and a refund will be ready for you. You will also be able to collect your Hoodies if you ordered one.

Results Days Guidance

Results Days Guidance In order for the collection of results proceed safely, please do follow the following guidance:

• If you are planning to collect your results at school please follow our three rules:    Keep apart, wash hands regularly and stay at home if you feel ill.

• On arriving at the Sports Hall, please use the hand sanitiser provided.

• Only students will be able to collect their results in the Sports Hall.

• If after the collection of your results you do need to talk to a member of staff, please keep to the one way system and following the social distancing arrangements set out.

• Members of staff regrettably will not be able to shake your hands to congratulate you.

• When you are leaving, please exit via the one way system.

If after attending the school you feel unwell with COVID-19 symptoms (a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell) or know that you have come into contact with anyone else with COVID-19 symptoms in the 7 days before your visit then you will contact the school as soon as possible.

Centre Assessed Grades

It is good news that the Welsh Government have decided to use Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs) rather than the standardisation algorithm.   Please be reassured that despite some of the media calling the results ‘teacher predictions’, they are Centre Assessed Grades. The school has used data from LPs, classroom assessments, internal (and external) exams over the last two years, in addition to other knowledge and information about the students. The grades have been agreed by the department and then moderated by the leadership team, before being approved by the head. This has involved grading and ranking each student after gathering the available information.  The teacher prediction is one part of the whole school process.


Lisa Arrowsmith

15th July 2020 at 9:56 pm

Hi I have not had a form to fill in for the money back of blazer

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